大热天在这个游泳池里泡着真是太舒服了,简直是天堂般的享受啊!The swimming pool is perfect on a hot day. I'm in a hog heaven!
大热天在这个游泳池里泡着真是太舒服了,简直是天堂般的享受啊!The swimming pool is perfect on a hot day. I'm in a hog heaven!
能吃个美味多汁的桃子真是太爽了!There's nothing better than a nice juicy peach!
尽管我费了好大劲才把他叫醒了,他却硬说他没有睡着。Although I had great difficulty in waking him,he swore that he was not asleep.
大热天坐他的车最爽了,因为他车上装的空气调节器制冷效果特好!The air conditioning in his car works very well, so it is cool to be in his car on a hot day.
那样就太舒服了。That would be too cozy.
大夫费了好大劲才劝他躺下。The doctor had a hard tim persuading him to lie down.
马特:太爽了,亲爱的,你怎么样?Matt: That was so cool, sweetie, how do you feel?
他说经济舱太不舒服了,所以外出旅游他总是坐头等舱。He always travels first class, because he says tourist class is too uncomfortable.
雾很大,我们费了好大劲才找到回家的路。It was so foggy that we had a job to find our way home.
一切安排都很好,如果所有考试不挂的话就更爽了。Every arrangment is good, if no non-pass for any exam, that is more happier.
在长途旅行中能有个甲等座位简直太舒服了。It is very comfortable to have a Class A seat during the long journey.
他费了好大的劲去查找那些术语的出处。He has quite a time running down these technical terms.
当导游太爽了。钱挣得多,还可以认识各种各样的人。The job of a tour guide is so fantastic. The money is good, and you get to know all kinds of people.
今天我们拍了太多风景照,所以现在也该给咱?儿拍两张。Today w we took too many pictuz s for the scenery, so eo_ hx we had gxcs to take some for us together.
布希:-康迪你开始让我感到不爽了,而这不因为你是黑人。George B. : - Condi, you're starting to piss me off now, and it's not cause you're black neither.
他们时间算得太紧了,在飞机起飞前五分钟才赶到机场。They are cut it fine by arriving at the airport5 minutes before they are supposed to leave.
顾先生道:“房舱也够舒服了,我领两位去参观参观。”Ku said, "The berth is comfortable enough.I'll show you around."
"行了,别动,我们再照一张 ... ,这个样子太棒了," 摄影师说。"That'll do. Hold it. Will have one more ... It looks smashing, " said the photographer.
大热天在这个游泳池里泡着真是太舒服了,简直是天堂般的享受啊!The swimming pool is perfect on a hot day. I'm in a hog heaven!大热天在这个游泳池里泡着真是太舒服了,简直是天堂般的享受啊!The swimming pool is perfect on a h