
我可以给你提供性服务,我会让你很舒服。I can give you sexual services.I will let you very comfortable tonight.不要把我捧上天,我会让你失望的。Don't build me up too much, I may let you down.有朝一日,我会让你知道!你就

  • 我可以给你提供性服务,我会让你很舒服。I can give you sexual services.I will let you very comfortable tonight.

  • 不要把我捧上天,我会让你失望的。Don't build me up too much, I may let you down.

  • 有朝一日,我会让你知道!你就等着瞧吧!One day I will show you ! you just wait and see !

  • 当考试结果公布时,我会让你知道。I'll let you know the result of the examination when they are published.

  • 请确定和医生的交流不会让你不舒服。Make sure you are comfortable with the personal rapport between you and your surgeon.

  • 我会让你决定I'll leave it up to you to decide

  • 没什么!我会随时让你搭车去车站的。No trouble! I'll give you a lift to the station any time.

  • 和天秤座的人谈话,肯定会让你觉得很舒服。You are certain to feel comfortable talking to a Libra.

  • "你以为我会让邦妮为她父亲感到羞愧吗?"Do you think I'm going to have my Bonnie ashamed of her father?

  • 我会让你笑不出来的。I'm going to wipe that smile off your face(= make you stop thinking this is funny).

  • 明天我会早来点儿,省得让你等着。I'll come early tomorrow in order to save your waiting.

  • 宝贝如何你才能再次原谅我会让我六神无主Baby how I wish you could forgive me One more time

  • 我会带你到各处看看,好让你和大家见见面。I'll show you around so that you can meet everyone.

  • “我会让你睡在我的枕头上,I will let you sleep on my pillow.

  • 我想不通你为什么会让你的女儿独自外出旅游。I can't conceive why you allowed your daughter to travel alone.

  • 我记下你的号码,我会让他们中的一个打回给你。Let me take your number and I will get one of them to call you back.

  • 我会让你看如何做这种牵引。I'll show you how the traction is applied.

  • 不管怎样,在我作出决定前我会让你知道的。In any event, I'll let you know before I make a decision.

  • 你要是信赖我,我就不会让你失望。If you put your trust in me, I will not let you down.

  • 起来,不然我会让你曝尸当地。Arise or I should slay you where you lie.

