阿拉伯之夜Arabian Nights in the world
是男人的都开阿拉伯之夜的包。Real men use Arabian Nights boosters.
《一千零一夜》或称《阿拉伯之夜》,也由所收集的波斯人和埃及人的民间故事演变而成。The Thousand and One Nights, or Arabian Nights' Entertainments derives from Persian and Egyptian folktales.
阿拉伯之声电台Voice of the Arabs
不眠之夜in the night watches
在一个狂风暴雨之夜,我团出其不意地攻占了那个要塞。On a wild night our regiment take the fort by surprise.
侦察兵们在一个雷雨之夜出发去执行任务。The scouts started off on their mission on a stormy night.
那孩子是在他们新婚之夜怀上的。The child was conceived on the night of their wedding.
度过不眠之夜to pass a sleepless night
我已度过了许多不眠之夜,为此事担心。I've spent many sleepless nights worrying about it.
学校家长之夜Parents' Night at school.
那出戏首次公演之夜观众非常热情。The audience was/were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play.
长刀之夜night of the long knives
繁星之夜a starry night
彭斯之夜Burns Night [Jan. 25]
警方在竞选之夜制止了几处骚乱。The police stopped several riots on election night.
仲冬之夜.a ,midwinter('s) night
唐璜之夜Die Nacht des Don Juan, Luchterhand
南岸之夜Panorama of the Chongqing Nan An Night
新年之夜,全城灯火通明。The city was in a blaze on the night of the New Year's Day.
阿拉伯之夜Arabian Nights in the world是男人的都开阿拉伯之夜的包。Real men use Arabian Nights boosters.《一千零一夜》或称《阿拉伯之夜》,也由所收集的波斯人和埃及人的民间故事演变而成。The Thousand and One Nights, or Arabia