美丽的丽阿·西耳薇娅被幽禁在维斯塔庙里。Fair Rhea Silvia had been shut up in the temple of Vesta.
教学teacher and student
娅address term between sons-in-law
他的儿子被奸诈的阿缪利乌斯杀死了。美丽的丽阿·西耳薇娅被幽禁在维斯塔庙里,终身当尼姑,永远见不到她慈爱的父亲,也见不到她幼年时代的欢乐的家庭了。His boy was dead, slain by the hand of the false Amulius. Fair Rhea Silvia had been shut up in a temple of Vesta, there to serve as a priestess all her days, and never more to see her dear father or the pleasant home of her childhood.
教学大纲teaching program
教学质量quality of teaching
警方已秘密跟踪他几个月了。The police have been shadowing him for months.
我发誓决不泄漏这一秘密。I vowed never to reveal the secret.
教学内容content of courses
他表露了他心中的秘密。He unlocked the secrets of his heart.
教学模式teaching model
这一行动是秘密进行的。The operation was conducted in secrecy.
教学目标instructional objectives
她决定把这一秘密藏在心中。She resolved to keep the secret in her bosom.
教学计划teaching plan
他执行一项秘密使命。He went on a secret mission.
课堂教学classroom teaching
美丽的丽阿·西耳薇娅被幽禁在维斯塔庙里。Fair Rhea Silvia had been shut up in the temple of Vesta.教学teacher and student薇osmund娅address term between sons-in-law教学的didactical他的儿子被奸诈的阿缪利乌斯杀死了。美丽的丽