
男女male-female无none无遮挡井架unboarded derrick无法unable人口中男女的比例是多少?What is the proportion of men to women in the population?无遮挡野unblocked field一边支承三边自由矩形板振形曲线及其正交性Mode Shape Expressi

  • 男女male-female

  • 无none

  • 无遮挡井架unboarded derrick

  • 无法unable

  • 人口中男女的比例是多少?What is the proportion of men to women in the population?

  • 无遮挡野unblocked field

  • 一边支承三边自由矩形板振形曲线及其正交性Mode Shape expression and its Orthogonality for Rectangular Plates with one Edg Supported and Three Edges Free

  • 无标题no title

  • 根据正交性我们还可以用展开系数来表示整个场承载的功率。The orthonormality relations also permit us to express the power carried by the total field in terms of the expansion coefficients.

  • 无遮挡的unscreened

  • 男女艳情immoral love

  • 委员会里男女委员都有。There are members of both sexes in the committee.

  • 对称变换的和的非零特征根所对应的特征子空间的正交性Orthogonality of Characteristic Subspaces Correspondence by Symmetric Transformations

  • 无需dispense with

  • 男女人口比例sex ratio

  • 谈乒乓球无遮挡发球新规则的影响Discussion on Influence of New Service Rule in Fault with Keeping out the Ping-Pong Ball

  • 半正交性biorthogonality

  • 男女的比例是二比一。The ratio of men to women was two to one.

  • 无遮挡储层压裂施工设计在海拉尔盆地的应用Application for Fracture Operation Design of Bore Reservoir in Haila'er Basin

  • 行正交性orthogonality of lines

