
2007年11月16日,三个黑帮人士因强取豪夺而被判10-16年的入狱监禁,其中还包括一位大名鼎鼎黑帮大佬的爱子。On November 16th three men, including the son of a noted clan boss, were sentenced to between ten and 16 years in priso

  • 2007年11月16日,三个黑帮人士因强取豪夺而被判10-16年的入狱监禁,其中还包括一位大名鼎鼎黑帮大佬的爱子。On November 16th three men, including the son of a noted clan boss, were sentenced to between ten and 16 years in prison for extortion.

  • 和我的姐妹以及她的孩子做瑜珈,看着她6岁大的儿子把手放在用祈祷的位置冥思。Doing yoga with my sister and her children and watching her6 year old son meditate with his hands in prayer position.

  • 如能在温切斯特大教堂为少女建立一座美丽的雕像,我和我的主人将会感到莫大欣慰。It would be a great comfort to me and to my master to see a fair statue to The Maid in Winchester Cathedral.

  • 我想扛这么大一棵树肯定不好办。所以如果是我的话,我倒宁可和我的男朋友一起栽梧桐树。Don't you think it a hard job to carry the trees? If it were I, I would rather plant Wutong trees with my boyfriend.

  • 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.

