我们扫完院子, 顺手把房间也扫一扫。After sweeping the courtyard, we might as well clean the rooms.
我们扫完院子,顺手把房间也扫一扫。After sweeping the courtyard, we might as well clean the rooms.
车库需要再扫一扫。The garage needs doing out again.
嘉莉于是去买了《剪报》,站在报摊边,想扫一眼报纸,找到那些代理人。Carrie proceeded to get the "Clipper," and tried to find the agents by looking over it as she stood beside the stand.
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打扫完后把地扫一扫。Please brush the floor over when you have finished.
马铃薯放烤盘中,再放羊扒於马铃薯上,最后将酥皮平铺在羊扒上,扫一层蛋汁。Place potato in a baking pan. Place lamb steak on top of potato, then cover with pastry, brush pastry with beaten egg.
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随便扫一眼a casual glance
扫一眼就足够了。A glance is usually good enough.
我的每一根神经,每一缕思绪都浸泡在这静水里,一扫烦燥之气。The very nerved inside me is soaked under this river with all the fastidium.
你要再扫一遍地。You need to sweep th e floor once more.
连接(不管是否存在)、在线内容设置和搜索范围所影响。Connection (whether or not you have one), your online content settings, and your search scope.
关于NetMeeting指南,可参考Microsoft文档或在线帮助。For netmeeting instructions refer to microsoft's documentation or online help.
到邻家的一次极短促的拜访; 飞快地扫一眼报告Made a flying visit to the neighbors' house; took a flying glance at the report.
他觉得有人在跟踪他,便向周围扫了一眼,发现阴暗处有一个黑影。He thought he heard someone following him, and glancing round. He caught sight of a dark figure in the shadows.
我们扫完院子, 顺手把房间也扫一扫。After sweeping the courtyard, we might as well clean the rooms.在线in-line我们扫完院子,顺手把房间也扫一扫。After sweeping the courtyard, we might as well clean the rooms.线thread车库需