求婚者可勉强地接受近在眼前的对象而不愿执着地追求完美伴侣,即使对方是身形丰腴或体格矮小,并远非理想。Suitors settle for what is on offer now, even if plumper or shorter than the ideal, rather than hold out for the perfect partner.
一名妻子竟然可以瞒骗丈夫十一年,一直写信给虚拟的梦中情人,这案令艾莉开始怀疑完美伴侣是否存在于人世间。Ally worries if anyone can truly find their perfect mate while working on a case where a man sues his wife for fraud after finding eleven years worth of love letters she wrote to a fantasy lover.
给我所有不再单身的朋友们:爱情不是要你努力变成另一半的“完美伴侣”,而是要找到一个能帮助你变成最好的人的伴侣。To My Friends Who Are. NOT SO SINGLE Love isn't about becoming somebody else's"perfect person", It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.
许多小说被改编成电视剧本。Many novels were scripted for TV shows.
这部电视剧取得了巨大的成功。The TV play was a huge success.
四年的大学教育使她更加完美。Four years of college gave her considerable polish.
这部电视剧有你期望的那样好吗?Did the TV play live up to your expectations?
你肯定要他做你的终生伴侣吗?Are you sure that you want him for your partner for life?
这部电视剧给我的印象似乎不好。This TV play does not seem to commend itself to me.
为求完美,尝试是相当重要的。It is important to test for ripeness.
令人愉快的伴侣delectable companions
这部电视剧的最后几集将于下周播出。The rest episodes of this TV play will be broadcast next week.
他是个具有完美道德原则的人。He is a person of unquestionable principles.
忠实伴侣a faithful companion
这部电视剧获得很高评价。The TV play received considerable acclaim.
超人的完美inhuman perfection
可爱的伴侣a pleasant companion
在亚洲的城市和乡村,充满温情和缠绵悱恻的日本电视剧到处都受欢迎。Heart-warming and hopelessly romantic Japanese drama serials are all the rage now in Asian cities and even villages.
完美的例子An instance of excellence.
她是一位可靠的伴侣。She is a dependable companion.
完美伴侣 电视剧-是什么意思
求婚者可勉强地接受近在眼前的对象而不愿执着地追求完美伴侣,即使对方是身形丰腴或体格矮小,并远非理想。Suitors settle for what is on offer now, even if plumper or shorter than the ideal, rather than hold out for the perfect