
他一边吃饭,一边不住地琢磨我父亲的眼神。Again and again during dinner he sought my father's eye.他一边吃东西,一边喝啤酒。He washed the food down with glasses of beer.农夫一边挤奶一边吹口哨。The farmer whistled as he

  • 他一边吃饭,一边不住地琢磨我父亲的眼神。Again and again during dinner he sought my father's eye.

  • 他一边吃东西,一边喝啤酒。He washed the food down with glasses of beer.

  • 农夫一边挤奶一边吹口哨。The farmer whistled as he milked.

  • 吃eat

  • 他一边吸烟,一边考虑如何做决定。He pulled at the pipe while he considered what decision to make.

  • 罗恩一边吃着哈利的面包,一边仍然神思恍惚地盯着房门。Ron, who was now helping himself to Harry's toast, was still gazing dreamily at the door.

  • 他一边嚼着口香糖一边看报。He was reading the newspaper, gum in mouth.

  • 虽然他使出了吃奶的力气推那个石块,可石块依然纹风不动。Though he tried with all his might to push the rock, the rock remained unmoved.

  • 他一边走一边哼着歌。He hummed as he walked.

  • 他一边写一边抽烟。He dragged on the cigarettes as he wrote.

  • 迪夫和苏一边吃早饭,一边收听明尼阿波利斯市的天气预报。Dave and Sue were listening to the Minneapolis weather report at breakfast.

  • 他一边轻快地走着, 一边用手杖在空中旋转.He walked along briskly, twirling his cane in the air.

  • 不要一边吃一边说话。Don't talk with your mouth full(= when eating).

  • 我听到他一边看书,一边在暗自轻声地笑。I could hear him chuckling to himself as he read his book.

  • 那是个意外。我又不是一边吃着甜甜圈一边拿着望远镜看街对面那种人。Chandler: It was an accident. Not like I was across the street with a telescope and a box of donuts.

  • 他一边弹古琴一边歌吟《阳关三叠》。He sang "Yang Guan San Die" while he played the ancient Chinese zither.

  • 他坐在一只桶上,一边吃一边想。He sat on a barrel to eat and think.

  • 他一边走一边嘟囔这样对待他简直是不近人情。He rumbled as he walked that it was simply unreasonable to treat him like this.

  • 他坐在一只桶上,一边吃一边想。He sat on a barrel to eat and think.

  • 很可能他一边学语言一边准备考试。It is possible for him to go on learning a language and to prepare for an exam at the same time.

