
文literary武威西汉木安车Wooden Carriage with a Seated Driver of the Western Han Dynasty from Wuwei车machine文字character双辕,驾一木马的西汉木安车在甘肃武威出土。Wooden Carriage with a Seated Driver of the Western Han Dy

  • 文literary

  • 武威西汉木安车Wooden Carriage with a Seated Driver of the Western Han Dynasty from Wuwei

  • 车machine

  • 文字character

  • 双辕,驾一木马的西汉木安车在甘肃武威出土。Wooden Carriage with a Seated Driver of the Western Han Dynasty from Wuwei.

  • 迅雷sudden peal of thunder

  • 在缰绳的一端刻有"安车"两个汉字(字面意义是"安全马车",实际意思指"豪华马车")。这表明该铜车马俑是秦始皇生前所乘马车的复制品:豪华的驷马车。" Two characters, an Che (literally meaning "safe chariot", actually implying "luxury chariot") at the end of one of the reins indicate it may be a copy of the special, luxurious four-horse chariot used by the First Emperor."

  • 文员civilian

  • 雷诺Renault

  • 车的vehicular

  • 报文message

  • 开车to drive a car

  • 防雷lightning protection

  • 安可encoreter

  • 三文鱼Salmon

  • 下车got out

  • 雷神Thor

  • 安防security protection

  • 下文infra

  • 上车to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc.)

