
你如果有时间,能不能将我们的合同文本发一份给我!拜托了!If you have time, could you please forward a copy of the contract to us? Thank you a lot beforehand.老师teacher拜托了,小姐,不要逼得那么急,看完电视再说吗!我们想知道结局

  • 你如果有时间,能不能将我们的合同文本发一份给我!拜托了!If you have time, could you please forward a copy of the contract to us? Thank you a lot beforehand.

  • 老师teacher

  • 拜托了,小姐,不要逼得那么急,看完电视再说吗!我们想知道结局呢!JASPER: Oh please, Miss. Have some pity, will you? Can't we see the rest of the show first? We want to see what's my crime.

  • 拜托了!C'mon!

  • 你如果把我们做的坏事告诉了老师,我们就不喜欢你了。Your name will be mud if you tell the teacher about the bad thing we did.

  • 合集union

  • 是的,拜托了,请打电话给CCB银行。C: Yes, please, and call CCB Bank.

  • 听了老师的那番鼓励的话语之后,他又充满了信心。He was filled with confidence again after the teacher's pep talk.

  • 分集diversity

  • 拜托request sb

  • 集群colony

  • 指导老师adviser

  • 亲爱的圣诞老人,有时间的话,请多关照一下世界和平问题,拜托了!Dear Santa, world peace would be nice, if you have time!

  • 集线器hub (network)

  • 孩子们的不良行为终于激起了老师的愤怒。The children's bad behaviour at last goaded the teacher into angry.

  • 歌集songbook

  • 大学老师teacher lecturer

  • 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.

  • 并集union of set

  • 无法吸引他们的注意;引起了老师的注意couldn't catch their attention; caught the teacher's eye.

