对啊。结婚嘛,是人生大事。Yes. Marriage is a big event in life.
结婚是人生大事,绝不能草率。Marriage is a big deal. You should never go into it rashly.
人生大事,一生中的转折点(如结婚/死亡等)rite of passage
人生大事most important event of one's life
慢慢的来规划自己的人生吧。这样的人生大事,你可不能急匆匆的下决定啊。Take your time figuring it all out. You don't want to rush such a grand decision as your life's purpose.
不管你们信不信,那件人生大事终于有了结果我订婚了!Believe it or not, it finally happened----I'm engaged!
今晚要发行一部新电影。A new movie is to be released tonight.
这部电影无疑是今年最好的一部。By all odds it is the best film of the year.
一位电影明星对我们公司提起诉讼。A film star filed a lawsuit against our firm.
人生大事的知识求救看见你我会心跳;想着你我会着迷;喜欢你我却无所适从;想你;懒猪!麻烦各位高人帮我翻译成英文!Sees your me to meet the palpitation; Was thinking your I can in astew; Likes your me actually being at a loss how to proceed; Thinks you; Lazy pig!
这部电影仅仅是部分成功。The film was only a partial success.
她们经常去看电影。They often go to the pictures.
得一知己乃人生一大乐事。Having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life.
那部电影的一盘胶带找不到了。A reel of the movie is missing.
就职典礼是一件隆重的大事。The inauguration was a solemn event.
人生充满着磨难。Life is full of trials.
他在替一位电影明星捉刀。He is ghosting for a movie star.
大事不好。A disaster is imminent.
她加入了电影协会。She has joined the film society.
我的人生目标是帮助他人。My goal in life is to help others.
对啊。结婚嘛,是人生大事。Yes. Marriage is a big event in life.结婚是人生大事,绝不能草率。Marriage is a big deal. You should never go into it rashly.人生大事,一生中的转折点(如结婚/死亡等)rite of passage人生大事most impo