
我征服了我的恐惧,我尝到了大自然的味道。I CONQUERED MY FEAR AND I GOT TO KNOW THE TASTE OF NATURE.我知道我征服了他,无论从精神上还是感情上都摆脱了他。I knew that I had conquered him, had rid myself of him mentally and emot

  • 我征服了我的恐惧,我尝到了大自然的味道。I ConQUERED MY FEAR AND I GOT TO know THE TASTE OF NATURE.

  • 我知道我征服了他,无论从精神上还是感情上都摆脱了他。I knew that I had conquered him, had rid myself of him mentally and emotionally.

  • 我知道我征服了他,无论从精神上还是感情上都摆脱了他。I knew that I had conquered him, had rid myself of him mentally and emotionally.

  • 娱乐圈amusement circles

  • 小到娱乐圈时时不忘推出新人,大到当年李光耀总理自愿退居二线,都是为了输入新鲜血液,让整个国家充满活力。New artistes keep cropping up to rejuvenate the show business; the then Prime Minister Lee stepped aside willingly for new blood to take over the helm so that the country's leadership could remain young.

  • 我来了,我见到了,我征服了。Veni, vidi, vici I came, I saw, I conquered -Gaius Julius Caesar.


  • 可以说足球已经征服了整个世界。It can be said that soccer has conquered the whole world.

  • 雅虎搜索高调挺进娱乐圈Yahoo Search Starts High-Profile Entering into Entertainment

  • 征服vanquish

  • 为了防止滥用第三方软件重新构建了整个弹药处理系统。Re-engineered the entire ammunition system in order to correct any known abuses from third party software.

  • 当我征服你的孩子们,他们将全部属于我For when I vanquish thy breed. They shall all become mine

  • 米奇已经进军娱乐圈了。Mike's gotten into the entertainment business.

  • 你这个傻瓜,哪有这样大的胳膊,嗯,它塞满了整个窗户呢!”Who ever saw one that size? Why,it fills the whole window!'

  • 一连串平行分句的使用(如“我来过,我看过,我征服过”)use of a series of parallel clauses (as in'I came,I saw,I conquered')

  • 娱乐圈儿的晚餐和免费香槟Showbiz dinners and the free champagne

  • 他年纪轻轻,征服了整个巴黎。As a young man, he had the whole of Paris at his feet.

  • 那个女孩梦想通过演电视剧进入娱乐圈。The girl dreamed of entering show biz through TV programs.

  • 我已在一种绝对栩栩如生的表情中发现了那幅画一开始让我吃惊、最后又使我困惑、把我征服、令我丧胆的魔力所在。I had found the spell of the picture in an absolute life-likeliness of expression, which at first startling, finally confounded, subdued and appalled me.

  • 他被她的魅力征服了。He fell victim to her enticement.

