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事实上同性恋现象在中国的大学校园里并不是新鲜事,几乎中国每个大学的网站都有同性恋论坛。In fact, homosexuality is no stranger to college students in China and nearly all big universities in China have homosexual forums on their websites.
源码source code
如此既可以保证她不受责备,同时又能使任何人都心中明白她在每个问题上都有哪些想法。It protected her from reproof, and it left no doubt in anyone's mind as to her exact views on any subject.
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“复制网站”工具支持同步功能,该功能同时检查两个网站中的文件并自动确保两个网站都有最新版本的文件。The Copy Web Site tool supports a synchronization feature that examines the files in both Web sites and automatically makes sure that both sites have up-to-date versions of the files.
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同步功能同时检查两个网站中的文件并自动确保两个网站都有最新版本的文件。The synchronization feature examines the files in both Web sites and automatically makes sure that both sites have up-to-date versions of the files.
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它支持同步功能,该功能同时检查两个网站中的文件并自动确保两个网站都有最新版本的文件。It supports a synchronization feature that examines the files in both Web sites and automatically makes sure that both sites have up-to-date versions of the files.
免费free (of charge)都all事实上同性恋现象在中国的大学校园里并不是新鲜事,几乎中国每个大学的网站都有同性恋论坛。In fact, homosexuality is no stranger to college students in China and nearly all big universities in China ha