互联网用户还可以在线观看演说的视频,演说的文本也将在王室官方网站上发布。Internet users can also view the speech online and a text version will be posted on the royal Web site.
最后要说的是,现在有越来越多的中国人在美国学校教学。Finally,more and more Chinese now are teaching in US schools.
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经常和中国人在一起,一个美国人免不了受到他们的影响。Being with Chinese most of the time, an American can't avoid their influence.
中国人Chinese person
中国人在欧洲人之前发明了火药。The Chinese anticipated the European discovery of gunpowder.
目前该点播系统已经在校园网范围内开放,读者可以直接访问该系统,选择在线观看感兴趣的节目。The system is now available through the CEIBS campus network, simply select the program you want to watch, then you can enjoy it immediately at your desktop.
我是中国人I'm from China.
本周一公布的一份调查报告显示,英国的足球迷们若使用公司电脑在线观看世界杯赛,公司将会损失几十亿英镑。English football fans watching World Cup matches on their office computer screens could cost their employers billions of pounds, according to a report released on Monday.
中国人在神像前点的一种细长的熏香棍。a slender stick of incense burned before a joss by the Chinese.
许多中国人在抗日战争中死去。Many Chinese people perished in the War of Resistance Against Japan.
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中国人的oversea Chinese
中国人在福建所说的各种方言。any of the forms of Chinese spoken in Fukien province.
好像没有中国人在里面,也没有中国Professor. BE like no other Chinese people on the inside, not the Chinese professor. BE
有许多中国人住在唐人街,其人数比中国本土之外世界其他任何地方的华人都多。More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China.
大型多人在线角色扮演游戏MMORPG Massively Multiplayer online Role Playing Game
中国人在双杠半决赛中星光闪耀。Chinese shone at parallel bars semifinal.
互联网用户还可以在线观看演说的视频,演说的文本也将在王室官方网站上发布。Internet users can also view the speech online and a text version will be posted on the royal Web site.最后要说的是,现在有越来越多的中国人在美国学校