制服上镶着金黄色的穗带。The uniform was trimmed with gold braid.
黄色是她房间的主色。Yellow is the prevailing color in her room.
这些黄色短袜近来极为流行。These yellow socks have been much in request lately.
黄色作品salacious writings
镉黄色aurora yellow
金黄色打底的绿色green against the gold
蜜蜂全身沾着黄色花粉。The bee is covered with yellow dust from the flowers.
这些颜色逐渐地从橙色变成黄色。The colors graded gradually from orange to yellow.
把它染以黄色to tincture it with yellow
他是个英俊的少年,长着大而明亮的眼睛和淡黄色的头发。He was a handsome boy with large, bright eyes and blond hair.
太阳照在她金黄色的头发上。The sun shone on the gold of her hair.
她那张灰黄色的脸her sallow face
那把蓝色水壶的柄上有一圈圈黄色条纹。The blue pitcher has yellow bands around the neck.
把这房间漆成黄色确实好多了。Painting the room yellow is a great improvement.
他的黄色笑话令我作呕。His dirty jokes grossed me out.
那只小鸡是黄色的。The chick is yellow.
窗帘是黄色的。The curtains are yellow.
伦敦的黄色浓雾使他想念好莱坞他的家。The London pea-souper made him homesick for his house in Hollywood.
冰映光冰原上空中一种带黄色的光A yellowish glare in the sky over an ice field.
雄鸟羽毛夏季呈黄色的美洲雀鸟。American finch whose male has yellow body plumage in summer.
制服上镶着金黄色的穗带。The uniform was trimmed with gold braid.黄色是她房间的主色。Yellow is the prevailing color in her room.这些黄色短袜近来极为流行。These yellow socks have been much in request lately.黄色作品salacio