浪漫小说中最不真实的事情就是:女主角总是嫁给了意中人,男主角总是娶到了心上人。The most unrealistic thing about romantic fiction is that the heroine always marries Mr Right and the hero always marries Miss Right.
"玛丽,你在想嫁给吉姆吗?" "啊,不!" 玛丽回答道。"Marry, are you thinking of marrying Jim?" "Good havens, no, " replied Marry.
我一直知道弗丽达决不会嫁给威利。他们好象根本不相配I knew all along that Freda would never marry Willie. They never seemed right for each other.
我不明白她为什麽要嫁给那个糟糕透顶的人,我连理都不愿意理他。I don't know why she's marrying that appalling man; I wouldn't touch him with a barge-pole.
这女孩嫁给他是很不明智的。It is very unwise for the girl to marry him.
她在同意嫁给他前曾犹豫不定。She paused before consenting to marry him.
她不肯嫁给那个骗子。She refused to marry that con artist.
她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。She married a man who put her on a pedestal.
我想要你做我的妻子:愿意嫁给我吗?I want you for my wife: will you marry me?
她父亲永远不会赞成她嫁给这样的懒人。Her father will never approve of her marrying such a lazy fellow.
她不顾大家的反对,嫁给了那个贫穷的男青年。She set aside all objections and married the poor young man.
芭芭拉嫁给一位衣冠禽兽。Barbara married an animal.
他不希望把女儿下嫁给这样一个人。He had no wish to fling his daughter away on such a person.
三月份,伊丽莎白在肯特郡去看望此时已嫁给柯林斯先生的女友夏绿蒂·卢卡斯。In March, Elizabeth visits her friend Charlotte Lucas, now married to Mr. Collins, in Kent.
不久,玛丽发现她嫁给了一个守财奴。Soon Mary discovered she had married a miser.
她很后悔嫁给那个无所事事的人。She regrets marrying that do-nothing.
不要自欺,别以为她会嫁给你。Don't delude yourself into believing that she will marry you.
他以不断催促逼得她嫁给他。He nagged her into marrying him.
嫁给marry浪漫小说中最不真实的事情就是:女主角总是嫁给了意中人,男主角总是娶到了心上人。The most unrealistic thing about romantic fiction is that the heroine always marries Mr Right and the hero always marries Miss Right.