卡to check
不卡腰without middle chucking
"老板刚和女朋友吵了一架,所以秘书提到取消订货单的事,说得真不是时候。"The secretary dropped a clanger when she mentioned the cancel of the order to her boss who had just had a quarrel with his girlfriend.
我不能,相信已经是分别的时候了。我真不知道我是不是要离开。I can not believe the time have come to say goodbye. I am not really sure I want to leave.
我真不知道那些整天在外面工作的妇女如何解决她们的购物问题。I don't know how women who are out at work all day manage about their shopping.
无论我给孩子煮什么东西他都不肯吃,我真不知道该怎么办才好。The child refused to eat anything I cooked for him and I was driven to my wit's end.
毕竟有了一个家真不容易,尽管家庭有时是令人讨厌的地方。It's something to have a family after all, nuisances though they can be at times.
真不凑巧,当马戏团来到我们镇上时戴维得了麻疹。It was too bad David had measles when the circus came to our town.
我真不明白你为什么这样不喜欢他。I don't see why he's so deep in your black book.
我真不明白他怎会把整件事情都搞糟的。I wonder how he managed to bitch the whole thing up.
我真不懂他们怎会把这件事全部搞糟的。I wonder how they managed to bitch the whole thing up.
那一消息简直把我打懵了,我真不相信它是真的。That news fairly knocked me into a cocked hat; I just couldn't believe it.
我真不知道他突然改变计划的原因是什么。I wonder what's behind his sudden change of the plan.
他要娶那个女孩,我真不知道他喜欢她什么。He wants to marry that girl. I don't know what he sees in her.
我真不敢相信你的工作竟是如此轻松。I can not believe what a cushy job you have.
她提到打碎的窗子时说得真不是时候。She dropped a clanger when she mentioned the broken window.
那是个挺不错的建议,却未被采纳,真不合情理。That was a good proposal but got rejected. It was a bit much.
卡to check真true不卡腰without middle chucking真的forsooth"老板刚和女朋友吵了一架,所以秘书提到取消订货单的事,说得真不是时候。"The secretary dropped a clanger when she mentioned the cancel of the order to her boss who