
Regarding superheroes, I believe that in addition to Marvel, it is DC. Superheroes are the main theme created in American comics. These superheroes are basically from Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Superheroes have special

Regarding superheroes, I believe that in addition to Marvel, it is DC. Superheroes are the main theme created in American comics. These superheroes are basically from Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Superheroes have special abilities beyond ordinary people, and use these abilities to be chivalrous. Now the editor of Bala Ranking.com will introduce the ten most popular superheroes. Which superhero do you like? Interested friends come and have a look!



神奇女侠本名戴安娜·普林斯,由天堂岛亚马逊女王希波吕忒与奥林匹斯众神之王宙斯所生,是亚马逊人的公主和王位的继承人。也是正义联盟七大创始人之一,还是众多漫画英雄之中,最受欢迎的超级英雄之一。此角色被提名在《帝国杂志》的20位最伟大的漫画书人物中,在《Comics Buyer's Guide》的漫画100位最性感女性中排名第六,是非常受欢迎的女性超级英雄。

