In today's society, there are many stars in the entertainment industry, but my favorite is the female stars in Europe and America. They are really beautiful and have super good temperament. Many European and American celebrities are in good shape, and of course they are willing to show it confidently and boldly. Many European and American stars have very sexy and classic roles in the film. The following Bara Ranking Network will introduce you to the top ten sexy actresses in Europe and the United States. All of them are born stunners. Come and see if there are any female stars you like on the list.
梅根·福克斯有着勾魂摄魄的狐狸媚眼、紧致平坦的小腹、楚楚动人的S形窈窕身姿 。她不但能性感也能逗趣,她就是那种可以一出现就让整个男生的圈子大震荡的人。在电影《变形金刚》中,她将片中“米卡拉”这个姑娘塑造的很强势,不仅奠定了其性感女神的地位,而且她还以其火辣性感的形象而深入人心。她在田纳西的牛仔风情和弗洛里达的墨西哥风情催化下,身上多了其他好莱坞女艺人少有的野性和不羁 。