Ranking of the 10 most handsome male stars in South Korea, is your "Oba" on the list? Watch 20 people | Editor: hph | Release time: 2018-12-22 Korean stars are very popular in our country. The TV dramas and movies starred in by Korean stars are very good. Today, the editor will learn from the appearance and charm of Korean male stars. , personality and fame, today the editor of Bala Ranking.com will introduce to you the ranking of the top 10 most handsome male stars in South Korea, which is the "Ouba" in your women's mouth! Come and see if your "Oba" is on the list? Do you have your idol?
李敏镐是我们挑选的最英俊、最著名的韩国演员。他同时也是一位著名的模特和歌手,克服了难以克服的困难,成为了韩国和亚洲最受欢迎的名人之一。2006年,通过电视剧《秘密的校园》正式出道。2009年因电视剧《花样男子》被亚洲观众广泛熟知,并凭借剧中表现获得第45届韩国百想艺术大赏电视类最佳新人奖 。