
Modern medicine does not have a uniform standard for the boundaries of the penis. Some people have proposed that no matter how short the penis is, as long as it can have sexual intercourse, it cannot be a sick penis. But

Modern medicine does not have a uniform standard for the boundaries of the penis. Some people have proposed that no matter how short the penis is, as long as it can have sexual intercourse, it cannot be a sick penis. But most scholars believe that people who are significantly shorter than the above criteria, especially before puberty, are shorter than 1 in a weak state of the penis. 5cm; Or, after puberty and adulthood, when the penis is shorter than 5 cm in a weakened state (especially the length of the hand extension is less than 5,5 cm), it should be considered a chick.

But for most people with smaller penises, as long as the testicles are developing normally (penis size is not directly related to sexual function or fertility, and sex can be performed through erection), it will not affect the fertility, sexual pleasure and orgasm of both husband and wife. Very few people actually need surgical corrections to complete their sex lives.




正常标准:成人(年龄1.6 cm以上)。



5-10 岁:6. 25^1.0 厘米。

10-12 岁:7,0± 1.6 厘米。

12-16 岁:12,2±2,3 厘米。

测测阴茎自然长度:取阴茎软缩状态下自然下垂位置,从阴茎根部开始 测量。要求量尺的一端尽量抵到阴茎根部的骨骼部位,另一端测量到阴茎头 端尿道外口处。测出的实际距离即为阴茎非勃起状态下的静态自然长度。


正常标准:成年人〔18岁以上〉,11.0士 1.1厘米。



8-10岁:4, 9土 1.0厘米。

12-14 岁:6,2±2,0 厘米。

