If you're getting wet from the bottom of the nut after sex, it's even better! That's because your groin is dark and damp, a breeding ground for bacteria, and it's not a good thing for your little brother to be so close to those bacteria. So, wash your pencils, balls and your groin every day with lukewarm water.
Can it be washed with soap?
The answer is "yes", first make soap bubbles in your hand, and then apply it to the corresponding part (don't use soap directly to ravage your little penis). But don't overdo it: you have very sensitive skin there, and pushing too hard can cause irritation. For most people, soaping every other day or twice a week should do the trick.
Can I use a 2-in-1 shampoo?
Most similar body washes are irritating because they contain a lot of detergents and chemicals. In contrast, washing with simple soap is much better.
When does it need to be cleaned?
hey, wash before and after
Cleaning before sex is important because it's polite. But washing up after a workout can help you avoid infection. Make sure you wash off all bodily fluids (whether yours or your partner's), as bacteria can grow on these things when they dry.
Obviously you can't just jump out of bed and head straight to the bathroom—allow plenty of time to show your grace (experts recommend cleaning within 10 to 15 minutes).
Clean up after masturbation
Yes, there will be less body fluids in this case (you're alone, after all), but you'll still need to clean up. And if you use a masturbator (such as a jet cup) or other toys, make sure you wash them well too (soap and water).
Excessive washing or the use of harsh cleansers can damage the protective layer on the skin and make it easy for various bacteria and viruses to invade. So please protect Tintin, there is only one Tintin!