男人性生活过度有什么危害 房事一周几次最合适

The number of sex lives has a great impact on the bodies of both husband and wife, so what are the harms of too much sex for men? How many times a week is the best way to have sex? Let's take a look together.The dang

The number of sex lives has a great impact on the bodies of both husband and wife, so what are the harms of too much sex for men? How many times a week is the best way to have sex? Let's take a look together.

男人性生活过度有什么危害 房事一周几次最合适

The dangers of excessive sex in men

1. Increased back strain

Men often repeat sexual life. Due to the repeated and persistent congestion of the sexual organs, it will induce prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis and other diseases, which will not only cause perineal discomfort, back pain, but also blood sperm.

2. Sexual organs are "overworked"

Due to the continuous and repeated occurrence of sexual impulses, both men and women will increase the burden on the sexual control nerve center and sexual organs. The result of frequent exertion will cause sexual function decline, resulting in "pre-aging" of sexual function.

3. Induced sexual dysfunction

Men often repeat sexual life, which will prolong the ejaculation time, because the ejaculation time of the second sexual life will definitely be longer than the first time, which will lead to impotence, no ejaculation, delayed ejaculation time, and no pleasure in sexual life in the future. hidden dangers of dysfunction.

男人性生活过度有什么危害 房事一周几次最合适

4. The non-response period is too long

After sex, men have a period of non-reaction, that is, they no longer respond to sexual stimuli for a period of time after the intercourse ends. Repeated and repeated life will prolong the unresponsive period, which will easily lead to the decline of sexual function.

5. Satisfaction drops after many times

Regardless of gender, when you have repeated sex life, the second, third, or fourth sexual life, the level of sexual satisfaction is worse than the previous one, so it is easy to form a psychological influence, thinking that you have a good performance, and eventually lead to the cause. Sexual dysfunction induced by mental and physical elements.

6. Poor physical condition

For both men and women, it will cause a greater consumption of physical strength, and over time, it will inevitably lead to a low physical condition. Immediately, it will also affect the mental state, and even the thinking ability, memory, analytical ability, etc. will deteriorate.

7. Reduce the chance of pregnancy

Excessive sex will cause the semen to become thinner and the quality of the sperm to decline, resulting in a lower chance of pregnancy.

男人性生活过度有什么危害 房事一周几次最合适

Intercourse several times a week is most suitable

Just from a physiological point of view, no matter whether you are a man or a woman, no matter your age, if you are sexually excited, as long as you don't force it and you don't feel any discomfort, then you can have sex, and you don't have to think about how long it's been since the last time. For a long time, but sex in moderation. Excessive and frequent sex life can easily lead to the loss of kidney essence, kidney deficiency, etc., resulting in mental fatigue and low back pain in men. Speedy sex life is good for the body, and excessive sex life will damage the body. It is recommended to properly control the frequency of sexual life, generally two to three times a week is more appropriate, and take appropriate rest when uncomfortable symptoms occur.

