
1. Reasons for curvy pubic hairWhy is pubic hair curly? See what netizens sayWhy are women's pubic hair mostly curly? The editor took stock of the answers from netizens who opened their minds:· The curly hair is mor

1. Reasons for curvy pubic hair

Why is pubic hair curly? See what netizens say

Why are women's pubic hair mostly curly? The editor took stock of the answers from netizens who opened their minds:

· "The curly hair is more foreign, the hair can be permed, and the pubic hair can't be left behind."

"Because people have to wear underwear for a long time, under the blocking effect of underwear, pubic hair is easy to bend."

"Public hair has not seen the sun for a long time, lacks photosynthesis, and is easy to suffocate, so it is long and curved."

"If a woman's pubic hair is straight, it is very inconvenient to have sex, so it has to grow into curly hair."

Why is pubic hair curly? The real reason is:

The answers of the above netizens are all fake. The real reason why pubic hair is curly is "hair follicles". The shape of the hair follicles of human pubic hair and scalp hair is different. The cross-section of pubic hair is not a perfect circle. Pubic hair will naturally not be "black and straight", but curvy and disorderly.

2. The effect of pubic hair is quite large

Don't dislike the ugly appearance of curly pubic hair, it has a great effect!

Pubic hair is the buffer of the human body, and its texture is relatively hard and thick. It can prevent men and women from hurting the skin when they are in the same room and avoid bacterial infection. It can also act as a "guardian" for women's private parts, preventing women's private parts from being infested by germs. In addition, the fluffy feeling created by curly pubic hair can distribute the smell of private parts faster and is more attractive. As early as in ancient times, primitive people relied on the smell of private parts as a "weapon" to attract the opposite sex.

3. How women take care of their pubic hair

If the pubic hair is completely shaved, the new pubic hair that grows back can be very prickly, so it is recommended not to shave the pubic hair completely, just trim it short. First, prepare the trimming tools and mirrors. The trimming tools must be sterilized; secondly, place the mirror on the bottom of the crotch and use scissors to gently trim the hair along the direction of the hair, and if necessary, you can also tighten it The skin is trimmed to prevent the labia from being scratched by sharp scissors; finally, the female private parts can be washed clean with water.

