
















How soon can you get pregnant after getting a ring

3 months attention

After taking the ring, it is best to rest for more than 3 months before considering pregnancy, because the birth control ring is still a foreign body, and it will still have a certain impact on the uterus if it is placed in the body for so long. The implantation of the embryo may also cause embryo deformities, so it must be well conditioned before considering pregnancy.


When is the best time to take a ring

3-5 days after menstruation ends

If women who have had a ring want to take the ring, it is best to choose about 3-5 days after the end of menstruation, because the endometrium is more elastic at this time, and the damage to the body is minimal at this time.


Precautions after taking the ring

1. Pay attention to hygiene

After taking the ring, pay attention to the hygiene of the private parts, wash the genitals with warm water every day, and do not catch cold.

2. Prohibition of the same room

Do not have sex within two weeks after the ring is taken to prevent infection, and do not take a sitz bath or bathtub to prevent infection and cause inflammation.

3. Diet attention

After taking the ring, you can properly supplement milk, eggs, and beans. You should pay more attention to nutrition on weekdays. It is best to eat more protein-rich foods, eat an appropriate amount of liquid, and pay attention to whether the nutrition is balanced.

4. Get more rest

Take more rest after taking the ring, and don't do too tiring activities.


Pregnancy Precautions

1. Do a pre-pregnancy check

Before preparing for pregnancy, you must do pre-pregnancy examinations, including routine blood and urine examinations, gynecological B-ultrasound, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray examination, gynecological endocrine complete set, and general physical examination.

2. Supplement with folic acid

During pregnancy, you must pay attention to folic acid supplementation. Taking folic acid can avoid neurological developmental diseases. If you did not take folic acid in time before pregnancy, continue to supplement it after pregnancy until 12 weeks of pregnancy.

3. Regulate your ovulation period

Before you get pregnant, make an ovulation cycle table. only when you conceive at the best time can you give birth to the healthiest baby. If your ovulation is irregular, you can make timely adjustments so that you can arrange the time of conception reasonably.

4. Get enough sleep

Make sure you get enough sleep every day, otherwise your immune system will be affected and your hormones will be disrupted, which is not conducive to pregnancy.

5. Diet attention

During pregnancy, you should eat more foods with high protein content, eat more fruits and vegetables, and try to eat less junk food; drink more boiled water, and do not drink coffee, wine, tea and other stimulating drinks.

