
We often focus on our physical health, do you know how women view their own health? What color should a woman's panties be? It can directly reflect the health status!The health of a woman's body can be written on

We often focus on our physical health, do you know how women view their own health? What color should a woman's panties be? It can directly reflect the health status!

The health of a woman's body can be written on the face, on the chest, or on the underwear. Although women are shy about discussing "some" things, they have to know about "some" things. "These" things, today we whispered.

How does Nene reflect health? - through leucorrhea. Due to the special body structure, women have leucorrhea more or less every day on the inner and upper parts of the body. Whether they are healthy or not can be known by looking at the state of the leucorrhea.

Leucorrhea can reflect the health of the body because it is made up of a mixture of mucus. If the color is wrong or the state is wrong, it means that some organs have lesions. Next, let's take a look at the possible states of leucorrhea and the corresponding disease problems.

Leucorrhea can be roughly divided into two types, one is normal and the other is abnormal.

1. Normal leucorrhea

Smell: No fishy or odor

Color: transparent or white

State: thick and thin paste, egg white-like

This kind of leucorrhea is physiological leucorrhea, which is a natural lubricant released by the body. Generally, the secretion will increase before and after menstruation, ovulation, and pregnancy.

Not only adult women, some newborns will also have some colorless or white sticky discharge from the vulva in the first 10 days of life. In addition, in adolescent girls, follicles begin to develop and estrogen secretion increases, and leucorrhea begins to secrete before menarche. These are normal phenomena and there is no need to worry.

The color of normal vaginal discharge can range from transparent to milky white. As long as there is no sudden change in color, or abnormalities such as soreness, itching, etc. (meaning infection), it is a normal phenomenon.

On the other hand, the leucorrhea turns the color of white clouds, which is usually one of the first signs of pregnancy. If a woman who is "making a human" sees such underwear, she can go for a pregnancy test!

2, abnormal leucorrhea

The first type: thick like tofu dregs

It could be a yeast infection. It is a type of fungal infection that can occur anywhere on the body, regardless of gender. However, women between the ages of 16 and 35 are more likely to develop vaginal yeast infections.

This happens, mainly due to the low immunity of the female body and the imbalance of the flora in the body, which causes the infection. The most common symptoms are lower body itching, burning pain when urinating. Leucorrhea increased, and mostly white bean curd residue.

Of course, some women may also have a mild yeast infection at the end of their menstrual period, so there is no need to worry too much. Usually, the symptoms end when the menstrual period ends. If it happens at other times, and it doesn't get better, seek medical attention in time.

The second: yellow-green like pus

Yellow-green, the editor with the first-level brain tonic ability, at this moment, it seems that the eyes are irritated across the screen. In fact, this leucorrhea not only looks hot to the eyes, but also tastes hot to the nose and has a stench. It is also caused by bacterial infection.

Such leucorrhea may be vaginitis, cervicitis, and cervicitis. More serious, it may also be caused by guiding love and cervical cancer. Of course, in addition to this series of gynecological diseases, it may also be caused by sexually transmitted diseases. Such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. In this case, it is best to see a doctor for treatment and tell your partner.

The third: brown, bloody, violent

This is actually quite common. For example, the girl did not continue to use the aunt's towel for a day or two after the aunt's period, or even three or four days after the aunt's end, and the leucorrhea was still brown. This is because the menstrual blood does not flow cleanly, and the duration will not be too long.

But if you are not around your aunt and suddenly have brown leucorrhea, be careful. Because it could be a sign of cervical or ovarian cancer. I didn't scare you, it's always right to be careful about everything.

Fourth: Leucorrhea smells abnormally stinky

Frankly speaking, the private parts have been in a hot and humid state, and it is really easy to get "smell", which is also normal.

But if the smell has already given off an unusually strong fishy smell, it is not normal. It can be considered as submucosal fibroids with infection, as well as cervical cancer and vaginal cancer.

Fifth: gray-black state

In this case, when you take a bath, you will look at the girl in the panties, and I am afraid that something is wrong. There are quite a few possibilities for this to happen:

You have a foreign object in your body, such as a tampon, such as a condom. Although the possibility is less, it does not mean that there is no;

You are older, and the menstrual blood may appear black when older women are not menopause;

Your underwear is not of good quality and has faded. The normal leucorrhea is "dyed" black.

The leucorrhea is black and gray, so be vigilant. If you are sick, don't delay, seek medical attention immediately.

The sixth type: transparent with a little pink

This shows that your body is bleeding, girl! However, there are not many cases. In this case, most of them are due to problems with sexual activity. For example, the other party accidentally injured the vaginal wall, causing bleeding between frictions. There is also a reason for the female to put the birth control ring in the body, and there is an accidental collision during the placement process.

Of course, there are also the possibility of diseases: cervical polyps; cervical erosion; acute vaginitis; endometrial cancer and so on.

To sum up, as long as the leucorrhea on your underwear is not white, transparent, and tasteless, it is not normal. Better to see a doctor.

What should I do when I have abnormal vaginal discharge?

First of all, it is necessary to change the pH of the vagina, drug therapy, etc. Active treatment can eliminate the susceptible factors. Keep the vulva clean and dry and avoid scratching. Spicy and spicy food should not be eaten. Change underwear frequently, wash with warm water, and never mix it with other clothes to avoid cross infection.

If it is caused by disease, it is necessary to treat the disease in time; if it is caused by living habits, it is necessary to adjust living habits in time.

1. If the leucorrhea caused by spleen deficiency and kidney deficiency is thin and large, you can choose lentils, ginkgo, broad beans, mung beans, cowpeas, black fungus, walnut meat, mussels, turtle meat, celery, Gorgon, shepherd's purse, black chicken, pomegranate Skin, squid bone, celosia, purslane, pomegranate, mandarin fish, red bean, etc. for dietary therapy.

2. Eat less spicy and greasy raw and cold products, and eat more foods that benefit the spleen and kidney and clear away heat and dampness, such as lotus seeds, jujubes, yam, coix seed, wax gourd seed, etc.

Similarly, the conditioning in daily life is also very important. The following are the specific precautions in life:

1. To develop good hygiene habits. When taking a bath, try to use a shower and avoid using public bathtubs and public toilets to prevent cross-infection.

2. Participate in sports properly. Regular exercise can promote blood circulation in the pelvic cavity and help maintain the normal function of the reproductive system. Keep your pussy dry. Try to choose cotton underwear and avoid wearing tights or nylon materials with poor breathability.

