
Entry overview: As a popular meaning recently, open house is often used as an implicit term for lovers (same or opposite sex) or people who need to have sex to solve their needs in hotels, guesthouses, inns, etc.Basic In

Entry overview: As a popular meaning recently, open house is often used as an implicit term for lovers (same or opposite sex) or people who need to have sex to solve their needs in hotels, guesthouses, inns, etc.


Basic Information

Chinese name: Kaifang

Audience: couples, lovers

Place: mostly hotels

Definition: A behavior in which couples need to have sex and go to a room to solve it

The term "open house" traditionally refers to short-term rentals in hotels, guesthouses, inns, and some civilian daily rentals. Example: When communicating with guests, hotel service staff usually say: "Do I need to open a room for you now?" "Opening a room" here means opening a room to move in. The service fee charged by the lessor from the occupant is calculated from the opening time. Various services and consumption until "check out" period.

Open house type

Open house generally includes the following situations:

1. General staff are on business trips to work abroad, and those who need to find a place to stay need to open a room;

2. When visiting relatives and friends in other places, but the relatives and friends cannot arrange accommodation, they need to open a room;

3. People who need to have sex between couples are also called open rooms in order to find a room to meet their needs.

open house event

In September 2014, Wang Moumou, a member of the party committee and chief engineer of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province, opened a house more than 200 times because he was exposed on the Internet, and was later interviewed by the Disciplinary Committee. Shortly after being exposed, Wang Moumou committed suicide by lying on the rail in Fujian. The poster, Huang Moumou, was detained by the police on suspicion of illegally obtaining citizens' information.

