
Entry overview: Heavy taste, first applied to human taste, describes the concentration of taste, especially likes salty, spicy and the like. The network often describes some preferences or things that are too large to be

Entry overview: Heavy taste, first applied to human taste, describes the concentration of taste, especially likes salty, spicy and the like. The network often describes some preferences or things that are too large to be seen directly. In layman's terms, when a normal person sees the picture, he can't help but exclaim "Hey!..." and dare not watch it any longer. There is also a view that it is used to describe some preferences or things that are extremely large, even beyond the moral bottom line. It can also be used to describe the taste of people who like this type of work.


Basic Information

Chinese name: heavy taste


【Explanation】 Describes the phenomenon that the concentration of (human) taste is larger, or the scale is larger or is inconsistent with the taste of ordinary people.


In fact, this word is not entirely an unconventional Internet term. In fact, it is also used in daily life, but the meaning is different from the Internet term, but refers to the taste when eating. For example, one person likes to put more salt than others when eating. , we can say that this population or taste is relatively heavy, sour and spicy can also be used, but generally refers to salty taste. After the emergence of the Internet, this term has been extended to describe spiritual tastes, especially those works that exceed the moral standards of ordinary people and are marked by stimulating the eyes. such works usually cause discomfort to ordinary audiences, so ordinary people do not recommend watching them.

Definition of heavy taste

There is controversy over the definition of hardcore, let's say gore! Some people think zombie movies (such as "World War Z") are hardcore, but some people think it's normal. Using the two definitions mentioned in the overview: "Describe some preferences or things that are too large to be seen directly.", "Describe some preferences or things that are too large, even beyond the moral bottom line.", there will be differences. . Generally, it is subjectively felt and evaluated by oneself. If a certain preference or food makes one feel very disgusted, disgusted, or disgusted, then this preference or thing is a heavy taste for oneself.

Heavy tastes generally include pornography, gore, abuse, incest, wife swapping, crowds of promiscuous, cuckolds, pseudo-mothers, or other perverted personality-oriented materials, such as "120 Days of Sodom" in the banned film series, "The Sewer Mermaid", etc. . Hardcore movies are generally not suitable for children to watch.

Research on the phenomenon of "heavy taste"

Due to the development of network communication and information technology, there are more and more things that humans can contact, and the senses are becoming more and more numb with the constant stimulation, so that some directors, writers, etc., in order to attract the audience's attention, do not hesitate to put aside the bottom line of morality, Various distorted plots and scenes are used to create works, which is the origin of today's heavy taste.

How to treat the phenomenon of "heavy taste"

From a legal and moral point of view, "heavy taste" works are not suitable for anyone to watch, especially the harm to children and young people is great.

