
Some newlyweds eager to have a baby are very anxious when they fail to conceive after only a few months of marriage. Young couples will increase the frequency of intercourse, hoping to get pregnant earlier. The result is

Some newlyweds eager to have a baby are very anxious when they fail to conceive after only a few months of marriage. Young couples will increase the frequency of intercourse, hoping to get pregnant earlier. The result is often unfulfilled expectations. So, does increased frequency of intercourse really make it easier to get pregnant?


It is well known that sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy. Some newlyweds eager to have a baby are very anxious when they fail to conceive after only a few months of marriage. Young couples will increase the frequency of intercourse, hoping to get pregnant earlier. The result is often unfulfilled expectations. So, does increased frequency of intercourse really make it easier to get pregnant?

First, women only ovulate once a month

For women with normal menstruation, the menstrual cycle is generally about 28 days, the menstrual period is generally 3-7 days, the blood volume is moderate, and the color is normal. The middle of the menstrual cycle is the ovulation period. Ovulation is often a sudden increase in vaginal secretions, sexual enhancement, that is, "the time of pleasure." After the egg is released, it generally only survives for 1 to 2 days. If it is not fertilized, it will automatically die. It can be seen that pregnancy is possible only during ovulation. Otherwise, no matter how much intercourse, it is also "voluntary labor". Therefore, intercourse within 2 days before and after ovulation in each menstrual cycle is easy to conceive. If sexual intercourse is too thin, it is easy to lose the opportunity to conceive. Generally speaking, 1-2 times a week for sexual life is moderate, and women can be appropriately increased before and after ovulation.

Second, if you want to be fertilized, please ensure a certain number and quality of sperm

Too many sexual intercourse will not only reduce the number of sperm, but also the quality will become worse, they are all immature sperm. Daily sexual intercourse or more than 1 ejaculation can lead to decreased semen volume and decreased sperm density, sperm. The activity rate and survival rate are significantly reduced, which greatly weakens the sperm's ability to travel in the female reproductive tract and the "stamina" to meet the egg, and the chance of conception is naturally greatly reduced. Just imagine, in such a situation, how can you get pregnant. >>>How Men Guarantee Sperm Quality Abstinence does not improve sperm quality

Third, thousands of sperm will remain in the vagina after intercourse

However, only very few sperm can experience the long journey from the vagina → cervix → uterine cavity → fallopian tube. Too frequent sexual intercourse, too few sperm counts, and moreover, the sperm is immature, unable to reach the fallopian tube to meet the egg, and pregnancy is impossible. Another reason for infertility caused by frequent sexual intercourse is that it is easy to cause the woman's immune infertility. this is because the wife frequently contacts her husband's sperm and semen repeatedly. For some women who can produce a specific immune response, these sperm and semen are an antigenic substance that easily stimulates the production of anti-sperm antibodies in the body. The more frequent sexual intercourse, the more the woman absorbs the man's semen, and the stronger the degree of antigen stimulation of antibodies. There are two main types of these antibodies: one is called "agglutination antibody" and the other is called "brake antibody".

When sperm encounter "agglutination antibodies", they will adhere and accumulate together, bind each other and lose their ability to move, and are finally absorbed by the female reproductive tract mucosa. If the sperm encounters "braking antibodies", it will block its action, and this "braking antibodies" can also weaken the contraction ability of the uterus and fallopian tubes, preventing the fertilized egg from moving into the uterine cavity. Therefore, for couples who have frequent sexual intercourse and infertility, it is best to suspend a period of sexual life to ensure the quality and quantity of sperm, or use condoms for 3-6 months before conception is possible.

