中英对照– CNN人物焦点:最后一个下钻石公主号的男人Gennaro Arma
疫情感染严重的豪华邮轮– 钻石公主号,1日已经完成全员下船,而其中最后一名离开的人,就是义大利籍的船长阿尔马(Gennaro Arma)。面对来自在船上隔离将近一个月,3711名乘员的恐慌与不安,身为邮轮上最高总指挥的Captain Arma究竟是如何抚平众人的情绪,虽然疲惫仍带着笑容坚守岗位直到最后一刻呢?就让我们跟着CNN Focused Figure焦点人物报导,一起来认识这位最后一个下船的男人、永不放弃的英雄—Gennaro Arma。
His ship may have been to hell and back, becoming a floating coronavirus-infected prison for passengers quarantined at port in Japan, but when the captain of the Diamond Princess cruise ship became the last person aboard to finally step onto dry land, he looked entirely unruffled by the experience.
对于被隔离在日本港口的钻石公主号乘客而言,这艘变成新冠肺炎监狱的邮轮如同刚从地狱归来,但身为最后一个下船踏上陆地的船长,Gennaro Arma看起来完全不为此经验所影响。
Arma apparently proved himself a tireless rock for his passengers and crew during their ordeal and he's been widely praised for helping lift spirits and for setting a noble example of how a captain should deal with adversity.
His employer, Princess Cruises, has already expressed its gratitude for its captain's efforts.
“From his regular daily shipboard updates to his tireless coordination with public health authorities and his on-board team, Captain Arma's contributions have been hailed worldwide as a case study in outstanding leadership best practices,” Princess Cruises president Jan Swartz said in a statement to CNN.
公主邮轮公司总裁Jan Swartz向CNN表示:「他固定且毫不懈怠的配合将每日船务资讯汇报给公共卫生机关和他在船上的组员们,Arma船长的贡献得到来自全球的赞扬,是个在杰出领导方面的最佳研究个案。」
Passengers too have praised Arma's steady leadership and the comfort he showed them through regular messages, updates and even gifts. Passengers were thankful for the Valentine gifts and food, posting photos online of what Arma's crew provided them with.
It's not just those who endured the drama on board who have praised the captain. His actions have resonated worldwide, especially in Italy where many people have seen him as embodying Italian endurance and the spirit of sacrifice.
Matching heroism with humility, Arma's final message to his crew stressed that it was teamwork that pulled them all through. “We are all on the final leg of our journey,” he wrote. “Stay strong, look after yourselves. We will finish as we started: together. Thank you, my gladiators , and buon appetito.”
阅读CNN Travel原文:
☆ unruffled (adj.) calm; not nervous or worried, usually despite a difficult situation 平静的;泰然自若的
[例句] For a man in danger of losing his job, he appeared fairly unruffled.
[中译] 对于一个可能会丢掉工作的人来说,他表现得相当镇定自若。
☆ ordeal (n.) a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience 磨难;苦难;严峻考验;煎熬
[例句] The hostages' ordeal came to an end when soldiers stormed the building.
[中译] 士兵突袭那栋大楼后,人质们的苦难终于结束了。
☆ authority (n.) a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity 当局;官方;当权者
[例句] I'm going to report these potholes to the authorities.
[中译] 这条路路面坑坑洼洼,我要把这一情况报告给有关部门。
☆ resonate (v.) to continue to have a powerful effect or value 流传;产生深远影响;继续发挥重要性
[例句] The significance of those great stories resonates down the centuries.
[中译] 这些著名故事的深远意义将世代流传。
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