提到「忙碌」,大家最常想到的单字就是busy!「Busy」是一个形容词,也可以用作副词。当「busy」用作形容词时,常会搭配「be」,例如:I'm busy.(我很忙。)当「busy」用作副词时,常会搭配「keep」,例如:Don't keep me busy.(别让我忙。)除了「be」和「keep」之外,「busy」还有其他的搭配方式,例如:be busy with(忙着做某事)和keep sb busy(让某人忙着做某事)。除了busy 之外,还有一些与忙碌有关的单字:
忙碌工作的英文:I'm swamped with work
例句:It's been a hectic week for me.(对我来说,这一周很忙碌。)
例句:The fans were in a frenzied state as they waited for their favorite band to take the stage。(当粉丝们等待他们最喜爱的乐队上台时,他们都很狂热。)
例句:I'm swamped with work and don't have time to do anything else.(我的工作很忙,没有时间做其他事。)
1. be swamped with work:工作繁忙
例句:I'm swamped with work and don't have time to do anything else.(我的工作很忙,没有时间做其他事。)
2. be run off one's feet:忙得焦头烂额
例句:I'm so sorry I'm late. I've been rushed off my feet all day.(很抱歉我迟到了。我整天都忙得不可开交。)
3. busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌
例句:He's always busy as a bee, working on his projects day and night. (他总是像蜜蜂一样忙碌,日夜工作。)
4. busy as a beaver 像海狸一样忙碌
例句:She's been busy as a beaver, preparing for her presentation all week. (她一整周都像海狸一样忙碌,在准备简报。)
5. busy as a one-armed paperhanger 很忙、分身乏术
例句:He's been busy as a one-armed paperhanger, trying to finish all his tasks before the deadline. (他忙着在截止日期之前完成所有任务。)
是不是发现第三句到第五句都是使用as…as的句型呢?想要深入了解as的用法可以参考这篇:【as 用法】as long as?as soon as? as用法片语总整理
工作很忙可以说:I have a lot on my plate
6. up to one's ears /neck :忙于…;埋头于…;深陷于…
例句:I am up to my ears in work, I don't have time to talk to you right now.(我现在忙得不可开交,我没有时间跟你聊天。)
7. have a lot to do:有很多事要做
例句:I have a lot to do today, I don't think I will have time to go to the gym.(今天我有很多事要做,我想我没有时间去健身房。)
8. have a lot on one's plate:自顾不暇
例句:I have a lot on my plate, I don't think I will be able to meet you for dinner tonight.(我现在手头有很多事要处理,我想我今晚没有时间跟你吃晚餐。)
9. have a lot on one's hands:手头有(麻烦事)要处理
例句:I have a lot on my hands right now, I don't think I will be able to help you with your project.(我现在手头有很多事要处理,我想我没有时间帮你做你的专案。)
10. on the go:忙个不停的,特别忙的
例句:She's always on the go because she has three jobs and a family to take care of. (她一直特别忙,因为她有三份工作要做,还有家庭需要照顾。)
赶路的英文可以说:on the run
11. on the run:在赶路的途中
例句:They're always on the run because they have a lot of appointments to keep. (他们一直在赶路,因为他们有很多的约会要去)
12. to have a lot on one's plate 有很多事情要做
例句:I'm sorry I can't help you with your project, I already have a lot on my plate.
13. to be overwhelmed with work 工作忙得无法自拔
例句:I can't even remember the last time I had a day off, I've been overwhelmed with work lately. (我什至都记不起上一次休假是什么时候了,最近工作忙得无法自拔。)
14. to be buried in work 形容工作量大到很忙
例句:I'm sorry I can't hang out with you this weekend, I'm buried in work. (对不起,我这个周末没办法跟你出去玩,我工作量大到很忙。)
15. to be hard at it 形容某人正在努力工作
例如:I've been hard at it all day, I need a break.(我今天整天都在努力工作,我需要休息一下。)
开会很忙可以说:I'm tied up with a meeting
16. tied up.:繁忙、忙碌
例句:I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. I'm tied up with a meeting. (对不起,我现在不能讲电话。我正在开会中。)
17. juggle between:在…之间左右摆动
例句:I'm trying to juggle between my job and my family responsibilities. (我正在试着在工作和家庭责任之间左右摆动。)
18. be snowed under with work 忙得不可开交
例句:I'm so snowed under with work right now, I don't think I'll be able to finish everything on time.(我现在工作多到忙得不可开交,不知道能不能按时完成。)
19. My agenda is full:我的日程表已满
例句:I'm sorry, I can't meet you on Friday. My agenda is full for the whole day. (对不起,我不能在星期五见你。我整天的日程表都已满。)
20. There is a lot going on.:很多事情正在发生
例句:I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. There is a lot going on. (对不起,我现在不能讲电话。很多事情正在发生。)