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Welcome to the HBR IdeaCast from Harvard Business Review. I’m Curt Nickisch.欢迎来到哈佛商业评论的HBR IdeaCast。我是科特·尼基施。We love to celebrate entrepreneurship. We love to celebrate great business leadership.我

Welcome to the HBR IdeaCast from Harvard Business Review. I’m Curt Nickisch.

欢迎来到哈佛商业评论的HBR IdeaCast。我是科特·尼基施。

We love to celebrate entrepreneurship. We love to celebrate great business leadership.


But for all that attention, it’s still kind of an enigma.


You know it when you see it, but what are the necessary traits of a successful founder?


What is the decision tree that a compelling organizational leader follows?


On this show, we talk to researchers who study founders and executives.


We talk to professors about their deep-dive case studies, and we often talk to founders and CEOs directly.


My guest today interviews entrepreneurs and leaders week in and week out.



He’s the host and co-creator of the podcast How I Built This, where company founders break down their journeys with him, and he hosts the podcast Wisdom From the Top, conversations with leadership experts and visionary leaders.

他是播客《How I Built This》的主持人兼联合创始人,公司创始人会和他在这个播客中一起分享他们的经历,他也是播客《Wisdom From the Top》的主持人,在该节目中,他会与领导专家和见识不凡的领导者进行对话。

Our guest today is Guy Raz, and he joins me now to talk about what he has learned from all these in-depth conversations with remarkable business people. Hey, Guy.

我们今天的嘉宾就是盖伊·拉兹,他将会和我谈谈他从这些与杰出商界人士的深入对话中学到的东西。嘿, 你好。

Curt, hello. Thank you for having me on the show.

科特, 你好。谢谢你邀请我上节目。

You’ve got hundreds of episodes of How I Built This, where you spend a good three hours in a studio interviewing an entrepreneur, a founder.

你已经录了数百集关于《How I Built This》的播客,你会花3个小时在该栏目的演播室里采访一位企业家,一位创始人。

You also have dozens of conversations with leaders in Wisdom from the Top.

你还与《Wisdom from the Top》中的领导者进行过数十次对话。

Has out of all of that a pattern emerged, or a template emerged for you?


I think that’s exactly right. Obviously, I think of these as shows. But the other side of it is that it is a large dataset.


So, we’ve got about 700 interviews with founders and CEOs, in depth interviews about how they built their careers, the decisions they made, the mistakes they made.


And what you find over that time, you find a lot of qualities. Some leaders are really warm and personable.


Howard Schultz is a great example of this.


He hugs people, he gets to know his employees really well. He really lives and breathes culture.


And we hear about this; we hear about leaders who are really good at feedback, leaders who are really good at transparency, leaders who are really great at rallying their teams, leaders who are really good at managing people and organizations.

我们听说过这样的领导者; 我们听说过非常善于反馈的领导者,非常善于保持信息透明的领导者,非常善于团结队伍的领导者,非常善于管理人员和组织的领导者。

There’s a huge variety of qualities, what you would find is there are three qualities that all of them have, or three things that they do in their businesses, their companies, that I think are common to successful organizations.


The first is, they all create a culture of collaboration, all of these leaders.


The second thing they do is they encourage risk-taking, and then the opposite side of that coin, which is the third thing they do, which is they allow for failure.


