Later on
Grandma:...and I always fold the sheets army style...
Johnny:Uh, huh.
Grandma: That way they look good the next morning no matter what kind of hanky-panky has been going on.
Johnny: And what about these pillow cases?
Grandma: Well, after you wash them and press them, just stick a pillow in 'em.
Johnny:Like this?
Grandma: That's upside down! Can't you get anything right?
奶奶: ……而且我总是将床单折得像豆腐干一样……
强尼: 喔。
奶奶: 那样一来,不管经过什么胡搞瞎搞,隔天一早看起来还是完好如初。
强尼: 那这些枕头套要怎么弄?
奶奶: 洗过烫平之后,你只要塞一个枕头进去就好了。
强尼: 像这样?
奶奶: 颠倒了啦!你怎么什么都做不好?