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乔布斯介绍初代Macbook Air(2)

So, let's take a look at the thinness first.那我们就一起先来看一下它的薄。This is that Sony product, again, one of the best in the field, 1.2 inches down to 0.8 inches.这是索尼的产品,行业内最好的产品,厚度最厚处是1.

So, let's take a look at the thinness first.


This is that Sony product, again, one of the best in the field, 1.2 inches down to 0.8 inches.


This is the MacBook Air. 0.76 inches down to an unprecedented 0.16 inches.

而这是MacBook Air。厚度最厚处是0.76英寸,最薄处是史无前例的0.16英寸。

Now I want to point something out here.


The thickest part of the MacBook Air is still thinner than the thinnest part of the TZ series. OK?

MacBook Air最厚的部分,仍旧要比TZ系列最薄的部分要薄。是吧?

乔布斯介绍初代Macbook Air(2)

We're talking thin here, so it's so thin, it even fits inside one of these envelopes that we've all seen floating around the office.


And so let me go ahead and show it to you now.


Let me take it out here, this is the new MacBook Air, and you can get a feel for how thin it is. Yeah, there it is.

我来把它拿出来,这就是新推出的MacBook Air,你可以感觉到它有多薄。是的,就是这样。

Amazing product here, full-size keyboard, full-size display, and this is what it looks like.


So, let's go explore this in more detail.


So again it fits inside one of these envelopes.


This is what it looks like, incredible. It's the world's thinnest notebook.


