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I remember hanging out there and my office was,it was me and Rock shared an office.我记得在那里 记得我的办公室 我和洛克共用办公室You and chris Rock.And Farmy.We all go out to dinner.你和克里斯·洛克 还有克里斯·法利 我们

I remember hanging out there and my office was,it was me and Rock shared an office.

我记得在那里 记得我的办公室 我和洛克共用办公室

You and chris Rock.And Farmy.We all go out to dinner.

你和克里斯·洛克 还有克里斯·法利 我们一起出去吃饭

Remember how much fun we'd have when we go out?


My favorite thing,the writing staff would take a host out to dinner.

我最喜欢的事情 就是编剧能够带主持人出去吃晚餐

And every week we took Michael Keaton out and we were all so excited to hang out with Michael Keaton.

每周我们带迈克尔·基顿出去 我们都很激动能和迈克尔·基顿一起

It was like 25 of us showed up and we had this giant meal.

去了25个人 我们一起聚餐


The check comes and Keaton grabs the check.And everybody's like,no,no,we'll pay for.He's like,no,no,let me get this.Then he goes,I'm batman.

账单送来 基顿拿了账单 大家都说 不不 我们来付 他说 不 不 然后他说 我是蝙蝠侠

Do you remember Farley's order when we would go out?yeah.First,he loved to eat.

你记得我们一起出去法利会点什么吗 记得 首先 他喜欢吃

To a degree I've never seen since.By any human being.

喜欢到我后来从没见过有谁超越他 任何人都不能超越他

He literally,it was the funniest because,the waiter would make the rounds of,you know like four or five of us.

他真的 这是最有意思的 因为服务员会过来一个个问 我们四五个人要点什么

and you give your order,and you'd feel Farley's energy like,come on,let me go already.

你告诉服务员你要点什么 你会感受到法利的活力 他说让我来点

He would order his food and then he would say,you got the T-bone steak and he'd name like six things.

他会点好他的食物 然后会说 你们有T骨牛排吗 他会说6样配菜

You're like,wow,he's getting six things?and then he would say,ok,I'll take two of those.

你会很惊讶 天哪 他要吃那么多 然后他会说 好 我要两份


1、hang out


I was worried I wouldn't be able to hang my washing out.



I often used to hang out in supermarkets.


We can just hang out and have a good time.


2、show up


You may have some strange disease that may not show up for 10 or 15 years.

你可能患有某种 10 年或者 15 年都看不出什么症状来的怪病。

The orange tip shows up well against most backgrounds.



He wanted to teach her a lesson for showing him up in front of Leonov.


She kept saying I ought to try some, but I wasn't going to show myself up.


