
请看《中国日报》报道:The new birth registration service system is regarded as a significant change in China's family planning policy after the abolition of the one-child policy that had lasted for more than three de


The new birth registration service system is regarded as a significant change in China's family planning policy after the abolition of the one-child policy that had lasted for more than three decades in China.


这一文件是在我国最高立法机关不久前对人口与计划生育法作出修改后,对全面两孩政策(universal two-child policy)实施的进一步规定。文件充分肯定了计划生育工作取得的巨大成就(remarkable achievements),明确了计划生育改革发展的思路、目标、原则、主要任务和措施。

《决定》提出,对生育两个以内(含两个)孩子的(couples having a first or second child),不实行审批(official approval),由家庭自主安排生育。

The new birth registration service system aims to provide more convenience and improve the service for couples wanting children.


按照常住人口配置服务资源,将流动人口(mobile population)纳入城镇基本公共卫生和计划生育服务范围。巩固完善流动人口信息互通、服务互补、管理互动的全国“一盘棋”工作机制。

文件指出,应优化办事流程(administrative procedure),简化(be simplified)办理手续,全面推行网上办事(online service),进一步简政便民(further serve the public)。

《决定》提出,要完善计划生育奖励假制度。依法保障女性就业、休假等合法权益(legitimate rights),支持女性生育后重返工作岗位(returning to work),鼓励用人单位制定有利于职工平衡工作与家庭关系的措施。

对政策调整前的独生子女家庭(only child family)和农村计划生育双女家庭,继续实行现行各项奖励扶助政策,在社会保障(social security)、集体收益分配、就业创业(employment and entrepreneurship)、新农村建设等方面予以倾斜。


