Living with Your Parents 和父母住在一起
A: Why did your girlfriend break up with you? 为什么你女友和你分开了?
B: I don't know, she said she was tired of me not manning up and being more independent, which I think is all a bunch of crap. 我不知道,她说她厌倦我没有阳刚之气和不够独立,我觉得这些都是胡说八道。
A: Well, you still live with your parents, so she does have a point. 嗯,你还和你的父母住在一起,所以他说的有些道理。
B: What do you mean? Lots of people live with their parents, especially when rent is so expensive and the slump in the economy. 你是什么意思?很多人都和父母住在一起,特别是如今房租如此地昂贵,经济衰落。
A: Yeah, but you are almost forty! Plus, you make good money so there is really no excuse. It's simply because you are a momma's boy. 是的,但是你都快40岁了,你赚了很多钱,没有理由还和父母一起住。其实就是因为你心智还不成熟。
B: Whatever dude, I have everything I need, why would I move out! Have a great roof over my head, my mom does my laundry and cooks for me, what else could a guy ask for! 哥们,管它呢。我已经有了我需要的,为什么我要搬出去呢!我妈妈是我头顶的一片天,为我洗衣服做饭,一个男人还能要求什么呢?
A: Let's agree to disagree. 好吧,我就持保留意见吧。
1. a bunch of crap
a bunch of 一群;一束;一堆
Miss White receiveda bunch offlowers from her admirer. 怀特小姐收到爱慕者所送的一束花。
I've madea bunch offriends and we party every weekend. 我交了一大群的朋友,我们每个周末都开派对。
crap n. 废话;废物;屎;拉屎 vi. 掷骰子;拉屎
Why do you people still watch thatcrap? 为什么你们这些人还看这些狗屁节目?
We shipped a lot ofcrapout of Detroit in our day. 当时我们就曾从底特律把大量劣货装运出去。
2.make good money 很赚钱,赚很多钱
Tomake good money, you have to do good business. 要赚大钱,您得经营好您的业务。
Those workersmake good money. Why are they on strike? 这些工人的收入不错。他们为什么要罢工呢?
3.agree to disagree 消除分歧,求同存异;同意各自保留不同意见
You don't have to win every argument.Agree to disagree. 不用争赢每一场辩论。试着对不同意见表示赞同。
The market, on the other hand, "allows investors toagree to disagree". 另一方面,市场“允许投资人求同存异”。
At this point Chinese and Occidentals mustagree to disagree, for they can never be brought to view the same things in the same light. 中国人和西方人必须有个共识,就是在这一点上,他们不可能达成共识,因为他们永远不可能以同样的方式去看同样的事物。