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E-mail Scam 电邮欺诈

A: I got an urgent email from Tom! He says he is in London and got robbed and needs us to wire him some money for his hotel. 我收到汤姆发来的紧急邮件!他说他在伦敦遭抢了,需要我给他在的宾馆电汇一些钱。B: What? That sound

A: I got an urgent email from Tom! He says he is in London and got robbed and needs us to wire him some money for his hotel. 我收到汤姆发来的紧急邮件!他说他在伦敦遭抢了,需要我给他在的宾馆电汇一些钱。

B: What? That sounds really dodgy tone. 什么?听起来就不真实。

A: No way, Tom is an honest person, he wouldn't lie tone. 不可能,汤姆是个诚实的人,他不会说谎的。

B: No I mean, it seems like someone may have hacked his email account and sent that out. I mean think about it, why would he email you instead of calling you. 不是,我是说,这可能是有人窃取了他的邮箱账号,然后假借他写的。我想如果是真的,他为什么不直接打电话你,而是电邮你呢?

A: Do you really think someone is trying to scam people into sending money? 你真的觉得这是有人想要诈骗钱吗?

B: For sure! There are so many con artists out there, you never really know. 当然!外面有那么多的行骗高手,你不知道的多着呢。

E-mail Scam 电邮欺诈

dodgy 善于骗人的

He's a dodgy bloke, I wouldn't trust him an inch. 他是个诡计多端的家伙,我一点都不相信他。

no way 一点也不,绝不

Life, he declared frequently, was "no way to treat an animal". 时常挂在他嘴边的一句话是绝无法视生命如走兽。


The goal of the scam is to trick people into sending money to the fraudulent charity.


con artist 行骗高手

Bob makes his living as a con artist. 鲍勃是位行骗高手,并以行骗为生。

