A: Man, I’m freaking out! You gotta help me!
B: Whoa, whoa, take it easy, relax. Geez, you’re sweating like a pig! What’s going on?
A: I can’t go through with this! I just can’t! I’m not ready for marriage! What was I thinking? I’m only thirty five years old! I’ve got my entire life ahead of me, adventures waiting! I can’t settle down yet!
B: What are you talking about? It wasn’t more than a month ago that you were rambling on about how you are tired of living the life of a bachelor and how you envy your friends that have a family!
A:I know. I know!
B: Let’s think this through. First of all, you cannot leave Amy at the altar. Not only will she be humiliated and kill you, but she is the woman that you love and the woman of your dreams! Why would you want to end that or jeopardize it like this? Second of all, you are just getting cold feet. You know deep down inside that you want to marry her, so cut the crap and do it!
A:You’re right. I’m being crazy! Ok, I’m ready, let’s do this!
B: Great! Phew! That was a close one! You had me going there for a minute I thought I was gonna have to slap some sense into you.
freak out 焦虑不安
Don't freak out.
get cold feet vi. 开始感到怀疑(失去勇气, 临阵退缩)
She got cold feet when asked to recite in class.
slap some sense into 提醒某人保持镇定
wedding party n. 婚宴
soul-searching n. 真挚的自我反省, 深思
fiance/fiancee n. 未婚夫/未婚妻
brides/groom 新郎/新娘
betrothal n. 婚约, 订婚
unfaithful adj. 不诚实的, 不可靠的
don’t see eye to eye 意见不同
B: 别紧张,放松。 Geez,你出了很多汗。怎么了?
B:让我们仔细想想。首先,你不能抛下Amy不管。她不会受到羞辱或杀了你,她是你爱的女人也是你的梦中情人,你怎么能这样草率就结束这段感情呢?其次,你开始临阵退缩 内心深处你知道你想娶她,所以别废话了,去娶她吧。