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what if? 如果?

A: Okay, next question. If Eric asked you out on a date, what would you say?B: Duh! I would say yes! Eric is the most popular kid in school! Okay, my turn. What would you do if you won the lottery?A: Let’s see...If I wo

A: Okay, next question. If Eric asked you out on a date, what would you say?

B: Duh! I would say yes! Eric is the most popular kid in school! Okay, my turn. What would you do if you won the lottery?

A: Let’s see...If I won the lottery, I would buy two tickets for a trip around the world.

B: If you buy me a ticket I will go with you for sure!

A: My dad will freak out if I even mention a trip like that!

B: Alright this is a good one. What would your mom say if you told her you are going to get married?

A: If I told her that, she would faint and have me committed!

what if? 如果?



词汇注释 .

freak out 紧张害怕

People just freaked out when they heard the news.


ask someone out 邀某人约会

commit vt. 送进精神病院

get married 结婚

date n. 约会


be in your shoes 在某人的处所

sleepover n. 在别人家里过夜的人, 彻夜作客

hypothetical a. 假设的,假定的

gossip n. 流言蜚语

daydream vi. 做白日梦

I like to daydream.


