估计很多人有曾经有过这样的经历,在路上偶遇熟人,人家熟络地跟你打招呼,聊天,可你却怎么也想不起人家的名字。这样的尴尬情景在英语里叫做name ambush,对,就是你被对方给伏击了,却不知道人家的名字!
Name ambush describes the situation when an acquaintance you haven't seen for a long time comes across and greets you by name but you cannot remember their name at that moment. You know this is embarrassing, but you can do nothing about it.
Name ambush指你偶然遇到一位很久没见、本来也不太熟的朋友,对方叫着你的名字跟你打招呼,可是你一时间却想不起对方的名字。我们可以戏虐地称之为“姓名伏击”。你知道这样挺尴尬的,可是你也没办法。
For example:
Joe: "Hi, Andy. How have you been?"
Joe: 安迪,你好,最近怎么样?
Andy: "Er...Hi. Good. How about YOU?"
Andy: 呃,还行。你呢?
Sarah: "Andy, you've just been name ambushed."
Sarah: 安迪,你刚才没想起他的名字吧。