我是一个电影迷,对于电影的喜爱之情,那简直是犹如滔滔江水,连绵不绝~~~ 今天,就来看看如何用英文“大话”看电影吧!
首先,去看电影,当然是要约上一个(仅限BF or GF)或者几个亲友啦。那么,如何对别人发出邀请呢?我们可以这样说:
Would you like to go to a movie with me? (你想和我一起去看电影吗?)
PS: Would you like to...? 表示“你想……吗?”、“要不要……?”的意思,是比较有礼貌地表示邀请和提议的句型。
如果接受邀请,可以这样说 Yes, I'd like to. (是的,我很乐意。)
What's on tonight? (今晚放什么电影?)
What movie do you want to see? (你想看什么电影?)
回答可以是 I want to see...(我想看...)或者直接说出电影名
Who is in this film? (这部电影谁主演的?)
When does it begin? (电影什么时候开始?)
How long does that movie last?(那部电影要看多长时间?) 回答可以是:It lasts+时间 (它放映多少时间。)
Two, please.
Two tickets, please.
I can't see because of the person in front of me.
That person is blocking my view.
That person is in my way.
It was insteresting. (这部电影很有趣)
It was very boring. / How boring the movie is!/ What a boring movie!(这部电影很没劲)
That film is moved and I am deeply touched. 那部电影很感人,我被深深地感动了。
最后,跟看电影有关的口语表达说了这么多,貌似还没有说“看电影”是怎么用英文说的哦! 看电影就是 see/watch a movie/film 或者 go to the movie