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这两天,各国媒体都在热炒克林顿女儿大婚的消息。我们知道在英文里结婚的说法有很多,其中就有walk down the aiskle这个短语。今天,我们就由此举一反三,来说说关于walk的四个短语。1. To walk down the aisle 结婚西方人结婚一般都要在

这两天,各国媒体都在热炒克林顿女儿大婚的消息。我们知道在英文里结婚的说法有很多,其中就有walk down the aiskle这个短语。今天,我们就由此举一反三,来说说关于walk的四个短语。

1. To walk down the aisle 结婚

西方人结婚一般都要在教堂里举行婚礼。在举行婚礼时,新娘穿着白色的礼服,挽着自己的父亲,随着结婚进行曲从教堂入口一直走到主持婚礼的牧师面前。因此,to walk down the aisle就是“结婚”的意思。

Chelsea Clinton  walked down the aisle  this past Saturday to get married to her longtime boyfriend Marc Mezvinsky,  wearing a custom-made Vera Wang wedding dress.



2. To walk the plank 被解雇

Plank就是很厚的木板。据说,过去海盗拦截船只后会逼迫没有利用价值的人们走到一块木板上,然后将他们推进海里。To walk the plank的说法由此得来,现在多指“被除名”。

When you take over the store, think twice about making the manager  walk the plank. It may not be easy to find another one as honest and efficient as he is.


3. To walk on air  洋洋得意

在形容一个人很高兴,很得意的时候,中文经常说这个人走路轻飘飘,好像腾云驾雾一样。英文里也有类似的说法,就是to walk on air。

Susan has been  walking on air  ever since she got the official letter that she's been accepted as a graduate student at the University of California.


4. To walk the floor 心神不宁

My roommate has been  walking the floor  for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him. He loves her, but he's not sure he's ready to settle down and have a family.


