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1、flirt 调情It's embarrassing when they flirt like that in public. 他们在大庭广众之中那样调情,真让人难堪。My husband never flirts with other women. 我丈夫从不跟其他女人调情。2、dally 打情骂俏Sylvester dallied about

1、flirt 调情

It's embarrassing when they flirt like that in public. 他们在大庭广众之中那样调情,真让人难堪。

My husband never flirts with other women. 我丈夫从不跟其他女人调情。


2、dally 打情骂俏

Sylvester dallied about Lena until he began to make mistakes in his work. 直到在工作中开始出错,西尔威斯特和莉娜才不调情了。

Yet it does not follow that because the President dallied with Ms. Lewinsky he should have been impeached and tossed out. 总统和莱温斯基发生桃色事件,他本应被弹劾和罢黜,但是事情的发展并不是这样。

3、chat up 多用于表示用甜言蜜语与异性搭讪

The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries. 这些家伙老是好色地搭讪新来的秘书。

Tom always chats Mary up to leave a good impression on her. 汤姆时常用甜言蜜语与玛丽搭讪,为了给她留下一个美好的印象。

