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It gives me such a headache. 这真让人头疼.W: The teacher said that my son didn't listen to the lesson.M: Kids are always naughty, not a big deal.W: It gives me such a headache.M: It is really hard to guess who will w

It gives me such a headache. 这真让人头疼.

W: The teacher said that my son didn't listen to the lesson.

M: Kids are always naughty, not a big deal.

W: It gives me such a headache.

M: It is really hard to guess who will win and who will lose in this evening's competition.

W: Did you buy the football lottery this time?

M: Yes. It gives me such a headache.


Tips:如果要形容比赛或竞选等结果难以预料,难分胜负,可以用:'too close to call'.

Tonight's semifinals match is too close to call. 今晚半决赛中究竟鹿死谁手还难以知晓.

Opinion polls show the race between McCain and Obama is still too close to call, as Ohio's wrenching economic transformation will play a key role in the election.


52. Why bother? 没有必要,别费劲,为何那么麻烦?

W: What's wrong with you?

M: I'm on a diet and I haven't had lunch. Now, I'm a little dizzy.

W: Why bother?

M: I'm doing two jobs every day. I'm getting tired enough to die.

W: Why bother?

M: There is no other choice. There is too much pressure in my life. (OK朗读者)

Dizzy: feeling as if everything is spinning around you and that you are not able to balance 头晕目眩的;眩晕的

Climbing so high made me feel dizzy. 爬那么高使我感到头晕目眩.

I suffer from dizzy spells(= short periods when I am dizzy). 我患有阵发性头晕.

