have one's nose in a book
例句:Bob has his nose in a book every time I see him. 我每次看到鲍勃他都在看书。
His nose is always in a book. He never gets any exercise. 他总是在看书,从来不锻炼。(这样可不好,生命在于运动,还是要注意锻炼身体哟!)
hit the books / pound the books
例句:I gotta go home and hit the books. I have finals next week. 我要回家学习了,下周期末考。
know someone or something like a book
例句:We've been married now for thirty years - long enough to know my wife like a book. I can tell what she is thinking about before she knows it herself. 我们已经结婚三十年了,我对我的妻子非常了解。有的时候她自己还不清楚自己在想什么,我就已经知道了。(这样了解妻子的丈夫真好!)
in my book
相当于in my opinion,"在我看来,根据我的观点"。
例句:She's never lied to me, and in my book that counts for a lot. 她从不对我撒谎,我认为这很重要。
与之相反的就是not in my book,"我不这么认为"。
John: Do you think Fred is okay for the job? 你觉得弗雷德能胜任这份工作吗?
Mary: No, not in my book. 不,我不这么想。
be in somebody's good books
例句:I cleaned the bathroom yesterday so I'm in Mum's good books. 我昨天打扫了浴室,所以妈妈对我很满意。(妈妈喜欢勤劳的孩子!)
by the book
照着书本做事,可想而知就是"严格遵守章法,完全按规矩办事"。常用的搭配有:go ~; do something ~; play ~; run something ~。
例句:This is a private deal - we don't have to do everything by the book. 这是私事,没必要循规蹈矩。
take a leaf out of somebody's book
例句:Maybe I should take a leaf out of Robert's book and start coming in at ten every morning. 也许我应该学罗伯特那样每天早上十点就到。
every trick in the book
书中的所有诡计,就是指"为了达到想要的目的而所能想到的一切办法",无论是聪明的还是狡诈的。经常的用法是use every trick in the book to do sth,就是我们所说的"无所不用其极,使劲浑身解数"。
例句:He used every trick in the book to get Susan to sign the contract. 他千方百计让苏珊签合同。
have one's name inscribed in the book of life
例句:By the time she was twenty, her parents, brothers, and sisters had all had their names inscribed in the book of life. 在她二十岁的时候,她的双亲和兄弟姐妹都已经离世了。(这个悲剧了......)