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当今的世界瞬息万变,每天都不断有新事物产生,也有旧事物被淘汰.那么,过时的东西在英语里要怎么表达呢?The famous British stiff upper lip has become a thing of the past, according to a survey on Thursday which found Britons are



The famous British "stiff upper lip" has become a thing of the past, according to a survey on Thursday which found Britons are no longer embarrassed to shed a tear or be affectionate in public.


这里,"a thing of the past"就是指"往事,过时的事物".

sth that no longer happens or exists

Everybody sends emails these days. Letter-writting has become a thing of the past.如今大家都发电子邮件,写信早已过时了.

