Sitting duck 容易被忽悠的人
"Sure. My friend Joe is a sitting duck for any phony offer that promises to make him rich in a hurry. Anytime a fast-talking salesman comes along with a promise to make Joe a millionaire overnight, Joe will hand over his money. And, of course, he'll never see it again."
It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响
A conflict is not the fault of just one person or the other; they are often both to blame, because it takes two to tango.
Toe the line: 听从命令
The chairman warned the senator to toe the party line while running for the governor.
Dog and pony show 盛大表演
My company asked me to do a dog-and-pony show about the new product in the exhibition next month.
a busman's holiday 节假日照常上班
My father spent a busman's holiday working in his office.
To twist someone's arm 指给某人施加压力,强迫
I didn't want see that movie about Mozart, but my roommate twisted my arm. I'm glad he did - it was a great show."
give sb. the hook 炒某人鱿鱼
Our new secretary didn't last long. She always came to work late and left early, and she didn't learn to use the word processor. So after six weeks the boss had to give her the hook.
belly laugh 捧腹大笑
"Say, did you hear Johnny Carson last night? It's hard to be funny five nights a week, but last night was one of his best shows in a long time. He got some great belly laughs trading jokes with his guest star, Bob Hope."
喂,你昨晚看了Johnny Carson的节目没有?要做到一星期五天都很滑稽是不容易的.但是,昨晚的节目是他很久以来最好的一次.他和他请来的著名演员Bob Hope一起讲笑话,好几次引得大家捧腹大笑.
basket case 毫无能力和希望的情景
I'm really worried--our company is losing so much money these days that if things don't get better in the next two months we'll be a basket case and have to go out of business.