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太阳并非rise “from” the east!这8种常见的介系词错误千万别再犯啦!

1. On the computer vs. In the computer?在「电脑上玩棒球游戏」的「上」该用哪个介系词呢?你可以想像一下,游戏的画面是出现在萤幕上,因此如果你想表达电脑上的某个文件游戏等等,记得用 “on the computer”!It’s time for dinner

1. On the computer vs. In the computer?

在「电脑上玩棒球游戏」的「上」该用哪个介系词呢?你可以想像一下,游戏的画面是出现在萤幕上,因此如果你想表达电脑上的某个文件游戏等等,记得用 “on the computer”!

It’s time for dinner! Stop playing baseball game on the computer.


2. Married to vs. Married with?

「我和XXX结婚了!」在这句话 “married” 的介系词你知道要放哪一个吗?千万别因为中文出现「和」,而说成 “I’m married with”,正确的动词说法为 I’m married “to” somebody.,而如果婚姻作为名词 marriage 的话,像是 “He has a perfect marriage with/ to his college sweetheart.”,to 或是 with 都可以啰!

A: Does she have a boyfriend?


B: Don’t even think about it! She’s married to the guy over there and they’ve had a child already.


太阳并非rise “from” the east!这8种常见的介系词错误千万别再犯啦!

3. Answer of the question vs. Answer to the question?

问题「的」答案、这扇门「的」钥匙,你知道这些「的」其实都不是我们熟悉的”of” 吗?在这里我们应该要用 “to”,因此答案是 “Answer to the question” 及 “key to the door”,在这 “of” 的使用时机是当你看到这项物品本身是附属在另一项物品上时,其中的介系词就是用 “of”,例如 “The door of the room”,这样都懂了吗?

Does anyone know the answer to this question?


越来越觉得介系词很复杂对吧!看看老师介绍这六种重要的介系词组合,in/ of/ with/ about,一次搞懂就不怕了:

4. In the car vs. On the car?


小编揭晓啰!如果是能「在上面走动」的交通工具就是 “on” (像是bus, train…),而必须「弯曲身体坐进去」的就是 “in”(car, truck…),所以如果你想表达东西「在车上」或是「在车里」就是 “in the car” 哦!

 I’m in the car. I’ll call you back later!


5. In Sunday morning vs. On Sunday morning?

「在星期天早上」的「在」到底是要用 “in” 还是 “on” 呢?诀窍很简单!这边的介系词只要跟着最前面的 “Sunday” 就好啰!所以考考自己「在星期五晚上」该怎么说!答案是 “on Friday night“,这下都会了吧!不过也要注意,英文是一个有许多特例的语言,当你想要强调、表达的意思不同时,所使用的介系词也会有所差别,因此还是要根据不同的意思来判定介系词的使用呦!

The exam was on Monday morning, and unfortunately, I overslept and missed it.


6. A check for 10000 vs. A check of 10000?

「一万元的支票」,这里的「的」该不会又不是 “of” 了吧! ?你猜得没错!这里的「的」应该要用 “for” 来取代,而 “of” 与前面说的一样,要本身这项物品与另一项共同依附才能用 “of” 这个字哦!平常是不是不小心用错了呢?让我们看看例句吧!

I’ll give a check for 100,000. Just let me party on your boat one night!


7. Remind me of vs. Remind me about?

Remind的中文翻译是「提醒」,那么你分得出 “remind me of” 及 “remind me about” 的差别在哪吗?前者代表的是「某件事物让我想起了另一件事物」,而后者为「提醒我某件事」,还是不清楚吗?看看例子吧!

The apple reminds me of my summer love.


Will you remind me about that meeting?


8. Rise in the east vs. Rise from the east?

「太阳从东边升起」的「从」绝对不是 “from”,因为正确来说,太阳升起的「具体位置」并不是「东边」(地球绕着太阳转),因此要说 “in the east”,但如果你想表达的是某人事物「从」东边过来,就可以用 “from” 啰!例如风从东方吹来 “The wind comes from the east.”,都懂了吧!再看看以下的例句:

The sun rises in the east, not in the west.


